B2 First 5 Student’s Book With Answers With Audio With Resource Bank

CHF 44.90

Bereiten Sie sich auf die B2 First Prüfung mit vier authentischen Übungstests vor, die das realistischste Prüfungserlebnis bieten, inklusive Lösungen, Audio, Transkriptionen und Prüferkommentaren.



B2 First 5 authentic examination papers provide perfect preparation and practice because they are exactly like the real exam.

Inside you’ll find four authentic B2 First examination papers from Cambridge University Press & Assessment. Be confident on test day and familiarise yourself with the format by working through each paper and practising your exam technique. All our authentic practice tests go through the same process as the B2 First exam. We check every single part of our practice tests with real students under exam conditions, to make sure we give you the most authentic experience possible.

Key features

  • Contains four complete exam papers for B2 First, making this the most authentic practice material available.
  • The tests plus a summary of the exam ensure students and teachers have a thorough understanding of the format and what to expect on exam day.
  • The with answers edition includes sample answer sheets, listening audio and transcripts, Speaking test scripts, sample writing answers and answer key.

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ISBN: 9781009272940


Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 368.0 g

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